A leading designer and manufacturer of superior quality Ferrite Isolators and Circulators for Wireless Communications.
Welcome to Microwave Technology Corporations Web Site. Here you will find passive components including Coaxial Isolators & Circulators is offered in the selected frequency range from 80 MHz - 40.0 GHz. Our Drop-in and Surface Mounted and waveguide configurations are available in all these products. Order can be processed directly from the company or through its local Sales Reps worldwide, with competitive prices, high quality and on time delivery. We believe we are the best at what we do. Don’t forget to read our President's message and some information about our company.
Coax N Type
Coax High Frequency
Coax Mounting Holes
Drop In - Isolators & Circulators
Drop In - Flange Mount
SMD & Drop-In
Waveguide Isolators